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Tournaments registering website is online ! You can book & buy your tickets for the main tournaments on our online shop : 10% promotion if you buy your tickets online ! (for a minimum amount of 15€) Prices, tournament schedule and rules are on this website too, as well as the official Stunfest website, Thank you !
IMPORTANT : We have to know where the Guilty Gear players would like the SBO qualifiers to be : at the Stunfest (France, may 9-10) or at the showdown 4 (Sweden, 10-12 April) Please answer quickly ! The poll is right there on console league board :…0&t=5868&p=118688#p118688 Thank you !
The King of Fighters XI Solo Finale Loser Bracket - Frionel VS Kenpachi Finale Winner Bracket - Frionel VS 2Pac Grande Finale - Frionel VS 2pac The King of Fighters XI Team 2VS2 Finale - Dooms / Frionel VS Kenpachi / CCL Street Fighter III Third Strike Team 3VS3 1/2 Finale - Les Loups [CH] / Pêcheur [HU] / Akra [KE] VS VHD [UR] / CCL [YA] / SLS [KE] 1/2 Finale - Kilmor [MA] - BBoyLong [RE] - KX [CH] VS Frionel [CH] - Scavs [Q] - Yamazaki93 [KE] Finale - Les Loups [CH] / Pêcheur [HU] / Akra [KE] …
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragCVS 2 Finals:
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragHere are two vids of the finals (next games are coming) :
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragFirst vids of stunfest 06 ! Préparation : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 :
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragZitat von "[STP: „adlerklaue"]seems to be nearly professional level in eventmanagement. or is it? nice work!“ Everything was organized by our club, 3 Hit Combo, only gamers between 18 and 25 years old, nothing "professionnal" but we do our best to do so!
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
Beitrageverything has been recorded, DVD coming soon (check FFJC forums)
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragWe still miss some results, it's coming soon. DOA 4 : (9 participants) 1er Puniverse 2em Big Darsh 3em Bonus Stage 4em B Diamond Melty Blood : (13 participants) 1. Zino 2. Mitsuomi 3. ChouyaKill, Dream Maker Soul Calibur 3 : (18 participants) 1. Musulmek 2. MrNice 3. Asenka 4. Espérance Tekken 5 (21 participants) 1. KingHeim 2. Shopposs 3. Kim Long, Kuroro Tekken 5. Cash Prize (11 participants) 1.SCHoPPoSS 2.Kim-Long 3.Triademan 4.Kuroro Street 3rd strike Résultats solo (32 participants): 1e Bil…
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragHi there! the event is coming soon! We have received nearly all the cabs, five astro have just arrived this morning, and we're preparing everything in order to be ready on D-day The best french players come to Stunfest, just after their return from japan...
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
Beitragmost of us play 3.3, then there are CVS 2, GGXX /, KOF, Soul 3 players. And many other games "for fun" such as breakers revenge, melty blood, martial masters... do I need to continue? :roll:
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragI'd also like to tell that if you want to stay a little more around here for making freeplay the following week there's no problem Some of you may know Latouche F7, he's from Rennes too.
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragCool! That would be a pleasure! I don't know if you noticed, but we managed to get a resting room available at the first floor, that's to say quiet and warm, where you will be able to sleep during the night if you can't afford hotel. Also notice that there is everything you need for eating at a very low price (special japanese food on saturday evening! )
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
Beitragthank you :p
Stunfest '06 - Rennes - France
BeitragEven if you don't understand french... you can have a look at the teaser. Please fasten your seatbelts before gentlemen.